In this article...

When you are a non-designer entrepreneur on a shoestring budget, how do you create effective designs for your baby business? In this podcast episode with my friend Val Fisher, we talked a bit about design tips for non designers, as well as starting a business in a pandemic and of course the role mindset plays in entrepreneurship. Valerie Fisher is a coach and NLP practitioner, and even better, she married my hubby’s childhood friend a few years ago! Val and I bonded over entrepreneurial things and then had this fantastic discussion about starting a business during the pandemic and some design tips for non-designers.

You can either listen to this podcast on Spotify (or your favorite podcasting software) or you can watch the video below.

Resources I discuss

AND if, after watching this, you decide as a non-designer that Canva might be a good idea for you as you start our business on a shoestring, I have a link for you right here.

Of course, if you are ready to hire some professional help with your website or graphic design project, I’d be happy to discuss your options with you further. Use my contact form and I’ll be in touch.

Listen to Design Tips for Non Designers

Design tips for non designers
Picture of Kimberly Eddy

Kimberly Eddy

Kimberly Eddy is a website designer and author in Thomasville GA (originally from Michigan), with over 30 years of experience in design and marketing including 18 years of experience in web design.