SEO Web Design Helps Your Website Be Found Online

A well-built website will help potential customers find you easier. Here’s how.

Decorative graphic for SEO Web Design, which help your website be found online

There’s a tremendous difference between building a website that’s pretty and building a website that will help potential customers find you online.

You’ll find no end of web designers, page builders, and even AI programs who can do the first one. Finding someone who can build you a website that helps the right people find you (and respond to you) is not as common.

What’s the point in building a website that never gets found by your potential customers? The whole point of a website is being found.

Although landing on the front page of Google takes time and effort, there are things a good SEO website designer can do for you to help your site have the best chance at ranking higher and thus being found online. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A well-built and optimized website is more likely to appear in search engine results when potential customers are looking for products or services related to your business. 

As a website designer, I’ll help you develop properly structured content, using relevant keywords and meta tags while we build your site. While I rarely create content from scratch, I can still guide you on creating effective online content.

Creating a well-built website will also lead to quality backlinks, which can improve your website’s SEO. Improving the quality of your site helps to make your site more visible to search engines like Google.

Design that Supports Quality Content

Your website content is the key feature of anything you build online, from your website to your social media presence. I create the design of your website around the message you’re sharing with your potential customers, using the design to support the message and amplify it. 

Web design shouldn’t be a subjective matter. Instead, your website design should work with your message and those you are trying to attract. 

Figuring Out What Works with Analytics

With every website I build, I install and configure webmaster tools like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Bing Webmaster tools. 

These tools help us troubleshoot errors that are keeping you from being found in the search engines. They also help us figure out what is working on your site, by showing us which pages are most popular and what keywords your visitors are using to find you. 

This data helps us continually improve your website as you grow online.

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FAQ about SEO, web design, and being found online

Huzzah! My website is live! So, why am I not on the first page of Google yet?

Search engines like Google take time to crawl, index, and rank new websites. These search engines will go through your website to figure out what it is about, and how it might compare to other websites on the same topic. Building online visibility takes consistent effort and patience.

How long does it take to see results from my SEO efforts?

It depends on factors like website quality, competition in your niche, and your SEO strategy. Generally, expect 3-6 months for consistent SEO efforts to show noticeable results.

Focus on being helpful to your audience, and providing quality content. Try to use words that your audience would use to search for your topics for best results. If you can use words other people aren’t using as commonly, even better! (That’s an oversimplification of the situation of course.)

Do I need to know code to do SEO?

Many non-technical SEO tactics focus on content quality, user experience, and keyword research. You can implement these without coding knowledge.

When I build a website, I build it with SEO best practices in mind from a technical standpoint, so my clients only need to focus on quality and keywords when planning their strategy

What are some things I can do for SEO without being tech-savvy?

  • Create high-quality, informative content that your target audience finds valuable.
  • Improve user experience where you can and help your audience complete the task they came to your website to do (whether that is gaining information or finding a product)
  • Use relevant keywords naturally throughout your website and content. Think about what words or phrases someone might use to search for this kind of content.
  • Research keywords and phrases by typing them into the search bar to see what already comes up. Some browser extensions will also show you how many people search regularly for these keywords.
  • Try to find keywords that have less competition but are still relevant to what you do. You don’t want to try to rank for keywords that have too much competition.
  • Optimize page titles and meta descriptions to tell search engines what your pages are about. Use the words and phrases your audience would likely use when searching for this sort of content.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, accessible to users with disabilities, and loads quickly.
  • Link to other relevant websites and encourage others to link back to yours (backlinks).
  • Share your content on social media and other online channels.

Can I just pay someone to make my website rank first?

While SEO services can quicken your progress, beware of unrealistic promises from those selling such services. Ethical SEO is a long-term strategy, not a quick fix. Choose reputable agencies and focus on sustainable SEO practices.

As a web designer who also implements SEO for my clients, I can guarantee I’ll implement best practices that help you have the best shot at ranking well, but I cannot guarantee results because of the large number of things outside of anyone’s control.

What's the point of having a website then?

A well-designed website is your online storefront, building brand awareness, generating leads, and connecting with customers. Think of it as a hub to direct others to, in order to find out more about who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. While SEO helps attract people, a great website keeps them engaged and converts them into loyal fans and customers.