Thoughts and Designs LLC

I love to help Creative Entrepreneurs Like You Grow with Awesome Website Design

Table of Contents

Is your Website working for you?

Subscribe for weekly tips for non-designers & non-techies on managing, marketing, and understanding your website. I’ll also throw in some things I’ve found encouraging for entrepreneurs around the internet this week. 

After subscribing, you’ll get a free copy of “Is your website working for you?”, an ebook I’ve put together to help non-web designers understand what they need to maintain a healthy, effective website. 

PLEASE let me know what you think of my eBook and anything else I post. In particular, I always love hearing what is clear and helpful and what is not so clear (and not so helpful).

My HEART is to help entrepreneurs and creatives like you GROW. That’s why feedback is AWESOME…even not so positive feedback.

Is your website working for you mockup of books

About Me and Thoughts & Designs LLC

Life is more than work. Contact me using the form above during business hours
I also love snow which I know makes me a weirdo. Sorry not sorry.

In case we didn’t get to chat during the conference, let me introduce myself. 

I’m Kimberly. I help entrepreneurs (especially creative entrepreneurs) grow with awesome website design. Just think of me as your WordPress Specialist. 

I’ve been creating websites since 2004 (starting as a hobby), but I’ve been a graphic designer and writer since my college years at Northern Michigan University in the late 1980s.

Family Stuff

I’ve done some freelancing off and on, while raising and homeschooling my five kids. They’re all adults now, two are married, and I just became a GRANDMA. 

I live in Michigan’s Thumb in a 125 year old farmhouse with two grown kids, my husband, and a menagerie of animals (at the moment: 2 dogs, 3 cats). I plan all vacations around used bookstores, hiking trails, and coffeeshops.

About me and Jesus

I have been a Christian for just over 30 years. I was raised in a nominal family, and went to church on holidays and when it was convenient. I have always had a spiritual hunger, but I was not sure who God is and what He should mean to me. 

I pretty much assumed God was a big angry guy with stick. 

I developed addictions, anger issues, and struggled with my identity for most of my late teens and college years. Being adopted only added to my feelings of not fitting in anywhere.

Amazing Grace

After college, when I couldn’t find my dream job, I took off to Europe. There, in Jan Huss Square in Prague, Czechoslovakia, I heard the gospel clearly for the very first time, and responded to His free gift of Amazing Grace.

I lived in Europe for a while, as part of a church in every town I lived and worked. I grew in my new faith, and felt a sense of purpose.

That all changed once more when I had to leave Austria due to a problem with  my work permit.

Legalistic Detours

I was still a baby Christian, and the churches I found in America all tried to “straighten me out”. I found myself leaving my love for art and design behind because it was “carnal”, and I embraced what I was told was God’s only will for me. 

It took a couple of decades before I realized just how foolish it was to allow other people to quench what God had put in me. 

Let's Connect

I post usually every day or every other day on my business related social media profiles. 

I try to make my online “homes” a space where I bless and encourage others (and my own heart). So come on by for some encouragement and helpful tips for non-techies and non-designers on the topics of websites and marketing. 

Coming Soon

I’m currently working on a book of my own by the way.

I’m writing a book and a workbook for non-techies about starting and managing their website, and creating the content for their website.

I’ll keep you up to date about my progress through my email list and social media, so be sure to follow me. 

Until then, I have a growing number of posts on my blog to help non-techie website owners and entrepreneurs encourage their hearts, manage their website, and create online content that attracts their ideal audience.

This website was designed with ♥ in Michigan's Thumb by Thoughts and Designs LLC | Awesome Design for Web and Print